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Body Up Evolution

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Bienes Personales > SALUD. Terapia Láser, Ayurveda, medicina china..
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Body Up Evolution is a mobile patient lift / transfer device.
It is a new lift concept, revolutionary, yet simple, assisting those with lower limb weakness to transfer and move about the house.
Offer your loved ones the luxury of access to anywhere in the house or in and out of the car while applying minimal muscular work.

With the use of the Body Up Evolution lifting and transporting people who face mobility issues becomes easier than ever before, raising both patient's and caregiver's quality of life to new standards.

Patients needing a carer - paraplegics with weaker upper limb function, who cannot transfer to a chair from a bed; MS patients; patients with advanced Parkinson's disease and those suffering other nervous system disorders with muscle wasting will benefit from the Body UP Evolution.

Body UP Evolution is ideal where the patient and spouse, who is the carer, are both older and the spouse does not have the physical strength to lift and transfer their partner.

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